Me Time

Check out my article “Me Time” published on Living With Clariity’s blog… Here is a small excerpt, click to read more!

As mothers we give of ourselves everyday. Before being married and having a child we had our own schedule, we could do what we want, when we wanted and didn’t have an ounce of the responsibility a family requires. Ah, those were the days! Who would want to go back to them? When you see that shinning little face and your husband it is worth all the work and sacrifice!


Traveling with Toddlers

Check out one of my new articles on Living with Clariity’s blog!

My husband and I love to travel. So, when I found out I was pregnant I decided that we would try our best to instill this love of the road in our child. Throughout my pregnancy I heard several horror stories about kids and travel not being a good mix. There were a lot of “I remember when…” and “Life will definitely slow down for you now…” comments. Our lifestyle did adjust to our new family member, but only for the better. Our first road trip with our daughter was across country in a car for 5 days when she was three months old. Sure there were some awkward moments and a lot of stops, but hey that was all part of the fun! I made so many good memories on that trip! Our daughter does love to travel, in fact I think she likes being on the road more than around the house. We love seeing each new spot through her eyes…read more of my article at

Starting Your Own Herb Garden!

Check out an article that I had published on… it might just inspire you to start your own culinary herb garden!

Read the article here…

Shopping Spree in San Francisco

We left at the end of January for our yearly trip to California, we have seen some beautiful places so far… including San Francisco…

Chinatown. Got to love those orchids... 🙂

So far I’ve made three shopping trips into the city with visiting family and friends. Although hectic at times, we love visiting this city. We’ve made several trips to Chinatown where I  had to visit the bakery for some seasame balls, my favorite of all Asian desserts. Yum! They were 35 cents each! Can’t beat that!

The Ferry Building

Jere and I also love the Ferry Building which is right on the Bay. Not only beautiful on the outside but tempting on the inside. It is filled with specialty food vendors and restaurants. We ate at the Slanted Door Vietnamese restaurant, which finds its home in the historic building. Our seeds supply some of the produce that this restaurant turns into delicious dishes. It was a real treat have lunch there!

Enjoying the view.

It has been an incredible trip so far and I can’t wait to see where we’ll end up next. 🙂

I Miss You Summer

Last year we did a grow-out of several bachelor button varieties. Aren’t they just dreamy? They are the easiest and sweetest flowers to grow. One of my Grandpa’s favorites. Maybe that’s why I love them so much. 🙂

Winter 2010 Editor’s Letter

The Heirloom Gardener
::Winter 2010

As we while away the days until spring, we’ve filled our calendar with several activities to keep our hands occupied until they can dig in the dirt again! The store has kept us on our toes so far this season as all the folks who are itching to garden have been sending in their orders. Jere and I have been on the road to some trade shows too. We hope to take a trip to Petaluma, California, sometime this winter to escape the cold and visit with our customers on the west coast.

This bitterly cold weather we have been enduring makes me dream of those long summer nights. Almost every evening in the summer Sasha runs down to the garden so she can pick some of her favorite flowers, zinnias, of which we plant in abundance. I think she’s following in her dad’s footsteps, as she loves every minute she can spend in the dirt and can name almost every veggie on the stands at farmer’s markets. When she gets older I want her to be able to recall all those fun afternoons and evenings in the garden. I feel one of the best legacy’s we can leave with our children is the knowledge of where our food comes from and how to preserve it.

I have talked to many people in their 50’s and 60’s who have never gardened or preserved food. Some have asked how many plants can grow from one seed? It often makes me wonder where their parents or grandparents were when they were growing up? I suppose, life got in the way back then, too, and little life lessons like planting a garden was put on the shelf for another day. Now more than ever before, it is important to know where our food comes from. Planting a garden is something that continually gives back, whether it’s planted by a two year old or a 60 year old.

I hope this issue satisfies a bit of your craving for gardening during these blustery days and inspires you to share your love of heirlooms with those who are close to you, young and old alike!

God Bless,
Emilee Gettle

The Lemon Lady

One of our writers for The Heirloom Gardener brought Anna Chan to my attention. I can’t wait to have Sue Capella work out an interview with her. Anna is doing an awesome work of distributing food to the hungry by saving excess fruit and veggies from spoiling! Instead of letting fruit rot on the ground or allowing it to be disposed of at the end of  farmer’s markets she collects the excess for those who are in need.

As we come to the end of the year, and we start pondering our new year’s resolutions, how to better ourselves ect. it might be worth looking beyond the mirror and opening our heart to others. It’s amazing what one person can do to make the world a better place.

Check out this video and news story about Anna Chan, The Lemon Lady

Or, check out Anna’s blog:

Yes to Carrots!

Thanks to the seedsman in my family this Christmas I was introduced to some new products that I have fallen in love with. I’m a queen of label reading and I like to buy products that are as natural as possible! That’s what I strive for anyways. So, Yes To has won me over. I love their products and their facination with veggies!  Plus they started a non-profit seed fund for under-served communities!

Their products actually contain veggie extracts… for example the second ingredient in Yes to Carrots “C a Softer You” lotion is carrot juice! Mix that up with some of the other ingredients like avocado oil, melon extract, orange extract, pumpkin juice and sweet potato extract it sounds almost like it could be a liquid diet! After all, what’s good for the inside has to be good for the outside!

Check out a new favorite in my stash the Yes To! products!


Sasha’s Mittens

I just finished the binding on this Christmas gift. Whew! Nice to have that last gift finished… and just in the nick of time.

Earlier in the fall I was flipping through an early 90s quilting magazine and was inspired to try my hand at quilting a gift for one of the loved ones on my list… I had done some piecing in the past, but never an entire project. So, through some trial and much (much) error this pattern, which I named “Sasha’s Mittens,” emerged from my chaotic craft studio. 🙂

The fabric is scrap dress material from Silver Dollar City’s seamstress shop for employees. A couple years back Jere and I set up an heirloom squash display during their fall festival. To my great delight it was at the same time as their big sale in the costume department (for employees and visiting craftsmen only). Upon walking in the door of the shop what to my wondering eyes should appear but a giant box filled with beautiful fabric and at a ridiculous price! So, I suppose you could say I upcycled this fabric into my table runner Christmas gift. 🙂

Cookie Snapshots

Cardamom Spice Cookies


Oatmeal Cranberry